content marketing framework

Content Marketing Framework

Teng Chuan Hiang

Why do you need a content marketing framework?

The story about BCF with its new brand position of being a champion of eradicating this disease and being a companion to those afflicted people needs to unfold gradually but impactfully. We presumed that there is a gap between the position now in the eyes of the public and the new idea we want to create in the minds of the audience moving forward. To achieve this goal without a content marketing framework would be adopting a hit and miss approach. This method creates a high level of wastage and is resource intensive putting all the pressure on the marketing team to deliver the results. Of course, organisations can take a tactical approach to content creation, but they will be missing the big picture of making content marketing an extension of the brand. When we create content marketing an extension of the brand, the BCF brand becomes more engaging to its target audience. With more engagements, BCF will be able to educate people and heighten the awareness of this disease. Strategically it is vital that BCF establishes its brand as the definitive voice in this regard and it is only possible with higher engagements with the target audience.

How to build a content marketing framework?

Taking the target audience profiles and their different journeys mentioned, and superimpose all three paths with the changing buyer stages, we have created the content marketing framework specific to BCF's purpose. (Please refer to the diagram below). We will add another three elements to this diagram when we engaged with BCF to complete the framework with more details:

Purpose and goals: What is the purpose of creating the content? What is the desired outcome for the audience?

Process: How we should structure and manage the content for publishing and refinements?

Measurement: How we should measure the performance and collect relevant data for analysis?

If we categorise every content concerning the championship cause or the companionship cause, we can more accurately measure the performance of the material and its desired outcomes for the target audience. Content performance can be measured using content score and therefore enable users to compare content performance and its impact.

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